The ‘Specific Intervention in Autism’ book package contains the following ANCAAR publications: The I am Special Method Autism in years: Reflections Early intervention in the Autism child – Denver Model Independence! I’m preparing … The Guide to the Therapeutic Approach to the Person with TSA – Part One Exercises and therapeutic stories – Personal development STOCK: In Stock PACKAGE PRICE: 250 LEI
Bianual magazine, written and published by ANCAAR, addressed to parents, people with autism and those interested in autism issues. In addition to specialized articles, thirteen of the Hazard Autism magazine brings to readers a wealth of articles such as: -Editorial- Georgeta Crişu- ANCAAR President -National Conference! Independence … I’m preparing -The multidisciplinary team -Kindergarten and autistic child -The decision belongs to me Keeping the editorial line of the first edition, parents, therapists, and family members had the opportunity to share their experiences without fear of discrimination. Cost magazine: 10 lei Stock: IN STOCK
Bianual magazine, written and published by ANCAAR, addressed to parents, people with autism and those interested in autism issues. Besides specialized articles, the twelfth issue of Hazard Autism magazine brings to readers a multitude of articles such as: -The Artist Behind Autism, V-Edition -Social integration – a step forward … The therapeutic camp at sea side -Two years of RESPIRO -Training Program Recovery Teacher -The rain melts the autistic person Keeping the editorial line of the first edition, parents, therapists, and family members had the opportunity to share their experiences without fear of discrimination. Magazine Price: 10 lei Stock: IN STOCK
The present guide is a working tool for the whole process of developing and implementing Autism intervention methods. The information, data and approaches, presented in the guide, are in line with the conclusions of the ANCAAR team, which participated in the implementation of the RESPIRO project. The guide presents the route of people with TSA to tailor their independence and social integration. An appropriate training in various ways, specific to each stage of development, can help in achieving even the integration into the free labour market. The applicable character of the presented models lies in their flexibility to respond to the needs of people with TSA, to harness their potential of each individual according to the stage of their development. The experience and the multitude of trials has taught us that you just want to be willing to participate in the well-being of your fellowmen… The present publication was released at the National Conference, organised by ANCCAR in Bucharest, 12-13 May 2017 1 in the Central University Library Hall. Using the form below, you can order the guide, which will be delivered to you by postal service within 2 to 3 working days. Please clearly specify your address, the Personal…
Biannual magazine, addressed to parents, caregivers, persons with ASD, and all others interested by the autism matter. Hazard Autism is edited and published by ANCAAR. Quick look through the magazine pages: Retrospective: National Conference ”Autism Therapies and Interventions” Campaign ”The Man Behind Autism” Meet the man behind Autism: Their story – Ionut, Florin, Ana, Sorin, Stephen Thomas Coloring book MAGAZINE PRICE: 10 RON STOCK: OUT OF STOCK
Biannual magazine, addressed to parents, caregivers, persons with ASD, and all others interested by the autism matter. Hazard Autism is edited and published by ANCAAR. The novelty of the fourth issue of the Hazard Autism Magazine presents an exceptional research about the social inclusion of people with Autism. Quick look through the magazine pages: A sort story and presentation of ANCAAR Argeș and Dâmbovița branches The story of our child – Dragoș Autistic child therapy, family therapy Article ”A mother from Iați at the European Parliament” Heading ”Useful information”- The Adolescence of a Autistic person MAGAZINE PRICE: 10 RON STOCK: OUT OF STOCK
“We gather in this volume articles written in different moments and years, witch reveal us as we are, with respect for each other roles. We think that this volume is a big step on the road that we wish to walk together with trust, mutual appreciation and courage to shape new possibilities and limits for each of us. We don’t hide, we present ourselves. In the purpose of evolution, here are our thoughts, emotions and feeling…“ Georgeta Crișu and Andreea Ognean, ANCAAR Team This volume is dedicated to ASD individuals and also to everyone interested by Autism Spectrum Disorder field; for those for which social integration represents a purpose, a reality. Volume price: 50 RON To successfully complete your order registration please be sure to correctly send all the below mentioned info: Delivery info: Full delivery address Full name Phone number Personal identification number Door to door delivery is only available for Bucharest. Place your order here:, Phone number. 0726 207 808
The ”Therapeutic stories and exercises. Personal Development” is a work dedicated to all educators, trainers and parents who aim the social-emotional development of the children. All the exercises can be used to guide the neurotypical children, as well as the individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (children, adolescents, youths). This methods for stimulation the imagination, empathy and the perception of own and other person emotions are created by the authors of this work, as a result of their own experience gathered during therapeutic interventions in Autism Spectrum Disorder and other development disorders. The level of social and emotional development is one of the criteria witch assures the individuals success into society. Thou the modern child seeks and feeds with all kind of stimuli offered by technology, at a bigger age he failures to integrate and interact properly with social groups. With its facile approach, ”Therapeutic stories and exercises. Personal Development” can prevent this phenomenon. The book release was made within an event, organised on 14th of December 2014, in Bucharest, with the courtesy of ”Miguel de Cervantes” Highschool. Book price: 30 RON To successfully complete your order registration please be sure to correctly send all the below mentioned info: Delivery info: Full delivery address Full name Phone number…
”Early intervention for the child with Autism”. ”The Denver method” is a Autism Speaks publication released in 2012. All the rights for the Romanian Translation of this book belongs to the National Association for Children and Adults with Autism from Romania- ANCAAR. Book review: The main purpose of the present publication is to offer to parents, caregivers, relatives, educators or to everyone who is part of the entourage of a person with autism, all the instruments and strategies that can help him to step into, as soon as possible, the right road for personal development. As difficult as it may seem now, there are things that can be done immediately in the therapeutic intervention, things that, in time, will fundamentally change the life of the children with autism. We can teach him to interact with us and with others, to communicate, to enjoy social interactions and to play. All the strategies presented in the ”Early intervention for the child with Autism” are specially designed to be daily used alongside the child interactions – play time, while he is undressed and dressed, during meals time, walking, or even in reading sessions or house chore. All this strategies can change a day by day experience with the autistic child in real learning…
”I am special” publication, edited and published in Romania for the first time by ANCAAR, is signed by the Belgian author Peter Vermeulen. ”I am special” was published and translated in more than 10 languages and it is used worldwide for the therapy of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The present book came along with the 410 methods work sheets DVD, work sheets designed to be used by individuals with ASD (at any age level) and also by family, caregivers and specialists in the Autism field. ”I am special” facilitates the depth knowledge of the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders, causes and progression of the disorder, various forms of treatment, personal and social consequences, various options for managing the disorders and supporting methods for the affected person. In Romania, the book was published by ANCAAR in a limited 1.000 copies (DVD included). Book format 166×234 mm, plasterer covers . Price: 100 RON. All the rights concerning the present translation of ”I am special” belongs, exclusively, to the National Asociation for Children and Adults with Autism from Romania- ANCAAR. Illegal distribution, copying and selling (totally or partially) of the ”I am special” publication and worksheets is strictly forbidden without the prior agreement of ANCAAR….