”Early intervention for the child with Autism”. ”The Denver method” is a Autism Speaks publication released in 2012.
All the rights for the Romanian Translation of this book belongs to the National Association for Children and Adults with Autism from Romania- ANCAAR.
Book review:
The main purpose of the present publication is to offer to parents, caregivers, relatives, educators or to everyone who is part of the entourage of a person with autism, all the instruments and strategies that can help him to step into, as soon as possible, the right road for personal development. As difficult as it may seem now, there are things that can be done immediately in the therapeutic intervention, things that, in time, will fundamentally change the life of the children with autism. We can teach him to interact with us and with others, to communicate, to enjoy social interactions and to play.
All the strategies presented in the ”Early intervention for the child with Autism” are specially designed to be daily used alongside the child interactions – play time, while he is undressed and dressed, during meals time, walking, or even in reading sessions or house chore. All this strategies can change a day by day experience with the autistic child in real learning opportunities.
Equipped with this kind of strategies, we will teach the autistic child to communicate and play. You will start to see day by day and weakly changes. Using this method you will see how efficiently can help your child with ASD and how responsive he or she will become towards the new learning possibilities. We hope that even some fears and frustrations will be replaced by feelings of hope, determination and trust.
The present book is based on the three authors ample activity with the Denver Method for Early intervention for the child with Autism, which helps the autistic child to became active, curious and cognitively involved with the environment. The strategies proposed by the authors are based on formal scientific studies that prove the accelerated development of children when Denver Early Intervention model is applied consistently.
About authors:
Dr. Sally J. Rogers is a well known Professor at the Davis MINDS Institute of the University of California, USA. In the autism field, Rogers is a reference researcher, recognized for its work on early intervention at preschoolers, difficulties imitation, counseling families about their children recovery process. In collaboration with Dr. Geraldine Dawson and its collaborators, Dr. Rogers has developed the Denver Model for early intervention, which underlies this book.
Dr. Geraldine Dawson is the director of the Autism Speaks Scientific Department and also a Professor at the University of North Carolina from Chapel Hill, USA. She was the founding director of the Center for Autism at Washington University. It is a leading international expert in autism, whose work focuses on early diagnosis and intervention, brain imaging and genetic studies. Dr. Dawson is involved in advising families with children with autism.
Dr. Laurie A. Vismara is a researcher at the Davis MIND Institute of the University of California, USA, and also a certified behavioral analyst. Dr. Vismara scientific interests includes the discovery of new and innovative ways of teaching and learning using early intervention, conducted by parents and professionals.
The book release was made within the pale of the ” News in the diversity of Autism” Conference – Bucharest, on mai 31, 2013.
For more details click here.
Book price: 85 RON
Book format: 234 x 166 mm, 384 pages
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